How to Keep Yourself Busy and Entertained during Quarantine

How to Keep Yourself Busy and Entertained during Quarantine

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, we have been coming across an intense cycle of anxiety-inducing news. Whether you have caught the virus or not, many of us are spending more time at home and even working from home due to the outbreak of COVID-19.  There is a good chance that we won’t be going anywhere for the next week or even a month, which could result in stir-craziness. While no one should panic, with internet providers like Xfinity internet & WOW Internet Plans lifting data caps off their plans, it’s certainly a good time to keep yourself busy and entertained at home.

In case, you find yourself panicking because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to tell yourself that you are definitely not alone. We all are in this together. Chances are, you and the people around you have been living in a state of low-key anxiety that you keep stocking your pantries and can’t wait for this coronavirus pandemic to be over.

How to Keep Yourself Busy and Entertained during Quarantine

Isolating yourself in times like this even if you don’t fall ill seems like a good option. When you isolate yourself, chances of coming into contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus decreases. But, this period of isolation comes with a lot of concerns—medication, food, and more—but one thing that no one is discussing is how to keep yourself sane and busy during this tough time. A week or a month is a lot of time to live in isolation at home. Of course, if you’re working from home, the first thing on your mind would be completing and delivering your daily tasks prior to the deadline.

While trying your best to keep your life on track, make sure that isolation doesn’t hold you back. Quarantine doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to do something productive. If you are staying at home for an extended period, know that there are a variety of things that you can do to keep yourself busy. These things will not only uptick your productivity but they will help you deal better with the inevitable anxiety. So, without further ado, let’s discuss the tips to make the most of your time indoors.

Catch Up on Your Reading

We always rant about how busy we are and how we don’t get enough time to read. You just get time while commuting to and from work to read what you like. But, since you are in self-isolation due to coronavirus outbreak, you will get plenty of time to catch up on reading.

While binge-watching your favorite TV shows on Netflix is certainly one way to entertain yourself, wouldn’t it be much better and fulfilling to use your free time to read that stack of books on your bookstand? By doing so, you can not only save yourself from overthinking about the unknown future but your knowledge will also be increased.

Set Up a Work Space

If you will be working from home during quarantine, then try to set up a small workspace if possible. Ensure that your dedicated workspace is not your bedroom, you could work in the corner of your living room.

Creating a small home office is simpler than you think- just get a desk and put it where you would like to spend your working hours. A dedicated workspace is crucial for productivity even in this chaotic time. Working from the couch where you’ll be distracted by heart-wrenching news would be the last thing on your mind.

Work on Your Long-Term Projects

There must be at least one thing on your to-do list that you have been trying to finish since forever but never got a chance to do it. Have you been meaning to start your own YouTube channel? Is there a half-finished painting lying around in your craft space? Have you always wanted to improve your cooking skills? Well, you may always thought that you have limited time to do such activities.

But now since you are stuck at home, you have no more excuses not to work on something you absolutely love.  A quarantine or self-isolation provides you with plenty of time to tick those projects off your to-do list that you have been meaning to finish to for what feels like forever. So, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to start working on those long-term projects.

Keep a Strict Schedule

Have you always wanted to keep to a sleep schedule but your work and social life didn’t let you keep one? With restaurants, malls, and schools closed down for the foreseeable future, you can surely keep a strict schedule that works for you.

When you are stuck at home all the time, chances are, it will be easier to lose track of time. Hence, it is crucial to set a routine for yourself and follow it.

If that means setting an alarm to exercise at home, do it. If it means getting enough sleep at night, do it. But don’t make the mistake of going to bed late and waking up at noon. That is how your productivity could be decreased.

Stay Connected with Your Friends

Don’t forget that you are a human and you can’t just stay isolated from the world. While it is crucial that you stay indoors, you should not forget that staying connected with your friends is another way to keep yourself entertained during the quarantine.

You can talk to your friends via calls, texts, or any other mode of communication. Having a heart-to-heart discussion with your friends can turn out to be very therapeutic in this critical time. Even you can try to stay active on social media. This is very essential when you are all alone.

Ending Note

Majority of people are panicking due to the pandemic but by using the aforementioned tips, they can keep themselves busy and entertained during their isolation. So, make the most of these tricks to and bid farewell to anxiety.


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