Can you gamble in thailand?

Can you gamble in thailand?

Thailand is a beautiful country known as the ‘land of elephants’. It is a touristy destination, and people love to visit Thailand for its beauty and culture. There are a lot of activities to enjoy in Thailand, like visiting the temples, spending the day at the elephant care center, visiting the islands, trips to national parks, and so on. Playing games on UFACAM. Tourists who visit Thailand often ask, ‘can you gamble in Thailand?’ read this article further for the answer!


Can you gamble in Thailand?

Gambling in the form of Betting on horse races and Government sponsored Thai lotteries is only legal in Thailand. Gambling in casinos or any other form of gambling is strictly prohibited under the Gambling Prohibition Act of 1935. You may still see Casino gambling in some parts of Bangkok and other towns, but it is illegal in Thailand to indulge in gambling other than betting on horse races and Thai lotteries. 

Forms of Gambling in Thailand

  • Casinos– despite gambling laws and casinos being illegal in Thailand, it has a significant number of casinos in some towns. Casinos were built in Thailand for Chinese immigrants in the 17th and 18th centuries. After the ban on casinos in 1930, they still exist illegally, and people enjoy casino gambling irrespective of the legal repercussions it can have. 
  • Government Lottery– lotteries were introduced in Thailand by Chinese immigrants in 1820 and have become a part of Thai culture. Thailand has government-sponsored lotteries twice a month. Lottery Draws happen on the first and sixteenth of every month. The money raised goes 28 percent to the government as revenue, 12 percent to management, and 60 percent as prize money to the players. 
  • Gambling on Sports– gambling on sports is also quite common in Thailand. People legally bet on horse races and illegally bet on football tournaments. In 2010 around 1700 people were arrested for illegal gambling in football tournaments.
  • Online Gambling– so many online casinos in Thailand people gamble using online games. Online gambling is also illegal in Thailand, and in 2020 government raided the online gambling industry, arrested many people, and seized their bank accounts. Despite the government banning online gambling sites, it is still common and quite in trend. 


Most Thai people follow Buddhism, and in Buddhism, gambling is strictly prohibited and considered a ruin of humankind. The Thai government also doesn’t support all forms of gambling and strictly checks gambling activities and gamblers. It is advisable to only indulge in the legal activities of gambling to avoid any issues. 

Despite the ban and all the legal acts, gambling remains a considerable problem in Thai culture. People are so indulged in illegal gambling activities that they forget how dangerous gambling can be. There is also a proverb in Buddhist culture saying, ‘ten lost in the fire is not equivalent to one lost in gambling. Gambling addiction can cause severe mental and financial issues, which is why the Thai government also provides help to those who are addicted to gambling, as Thais believe that gambling addiction is more of a social problem than a medical issue.  

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